Independent Schools Enterprise Agreement 2017

As a copy language model, I do not possess personal experiences or opinions. However, I can provide general information about the Independent Schools Enterprise Agreement 2017.

The Independent Schools Enterprise Agreement 2017 is a workplace agreement that governs the employment terms and conditions for staff working in independent schools in Australia. This agreement was negotiated between the Independent Education Union of Australia (IEUA) and the Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ).

The agreement covers a broad range of employment matters, including wages, leave entitlements, superannuation, consultation rights, and dispute resolution procedures. Under the agreement, all employees in independent schools are entitled to receive fair and reasonable wages, allowances, and other benefits.

One of the significant changes introduced by the Independent Schools Enterprise Agreement 2017 is the inclusion of a minimum wage for teachers. Previously, wages for teachers in independent schools were negotiated individually, leading to disparities across the sector. The minimum wage provides a baseline for all teachers, ensuring that they receive fair pay for their work.

Another important aspect of the agreement is the provision for professional development leave. This leave enables employees to attend courses and conferences that will enhance their professional skills and knowledge. The agreement also includes provisions for flexible working arrangements, such as part-time work and job-sharing.

The Independent Schools Enterprise Agreement 2017 applies to all independent schools that have signed up to the agreement. This includes schools in Queensland and the Northern Territory, as well as some schools in other parts of Australia. The agreement is in force from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2021.

In conclusion, the Independent Schools Enterprise Agreement 2017 is an important agreement that sets the standards for employment conditions in independent schools in Australia. By ensuring fair wages, leave entitlements, and professional development opportunities, the agreement helps to create a supportive and productive work environment for all staff.

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